
    Regurgitation is an almost immediate discharge of food that has just been swallowed. About 25 to 40% of babies are affected by this problem. It is one of the main causes of consultation in pediatrics because it worries parents considerably. Regurgitation is often due to a problem with the closure of the valve between the stomach and the oesophagus which normally prevents the food bolus from rising. Regurgitation, which occurs just after feeding and does not cause pain, should not be confused with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is painful and causes vomiting several hours after feeding.

    To limit baby’s regurgitation as much as possible, it is advisable to give the bottle in a calm environment and to incline the child at about 40° during the digestion period. To do this, you can put baby in his bouncer, in a semi-recumbent position (not sitting down as the stomach would then be compressed), or in his bed, provided that you raise the mattress slightly or use an inclined surface.

    Remember to check that his nappy is not too tight. Avoid changing baby just after the bottle, the fact of lifting his legs could lead to regurgitation, it’s mechanical, it would not occur to you to do the headstand just after eating?!!!

    You may have to change your milk for a thickened "anti-regurgitation" milk, but ask your doctor’s advice first.

    Equip yourself with large bibs or swaddles if you don’t want to change your baby after each feeding. Reduce the speed of the pacifier so that he does not drink too quickly. If necessary, make him take a break and burp in the middle of the bottle. Above all, do not give any medication without medical advice.

    Regurgitation is due to the fact that baby’s food is mainly liquid. In general, they disappear around the age of one year for several reasons: baby grows and the sphincter of the stomach becomes functional, baby moves into an upright position, the food is more varied and becomes more and more solid.

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