The transition from crib to junior bed is an important stage in your child's life, marking not only his growth, but also raising questions about the right time to make this change. It not only marks his growth, but also raises questions about the right time to make this change. Until what age is it advisable to keep your baby in a cot? When is the right time to switch to a junior bed? We'll explore these questions and more in this article.

at what age should I move from a cot to a toddler bed?

The right time to move from a crib to a junior bed can vary according to the child's development. However, most experts agree that 2.5 to 3 years of age is a good time to make the switch. by this age, many children have developed the necessary motor skills and are mature enough to sleep safely in a big bed.

Signs that your child may be ready for a bed

How can you tell if your child is ready for a change? Here are a few signs that it may be time to move from a baby bed to a junior bed:

  1. Size and weight: if your child is already too big or too heavy for the crib and you feel he doesn't have much room, it's time to consider a bed.
  2. Climbing attempts: If your child tries to climb the bars of the crib, it's a clear sign that he's ready for a bigger, safer bed.
  3. Independent toileting: If your child is potty-trained during the day, he or she may be able to go to the bathroom at night.
  4. Frequent waking: if your child wakes frequently during the night and seems uncomfortable in bed, he may need the extra space and freedom of movement that a crib can offer.

Tips for moving from a baby bed to a toddler bed

The transition from baby to toddler bed can be a challenge for parents and children alike. Here are a few tips to make the process as smooth as possible:

  1. Involve your child: talk to your child about the change and make sure he or she is enthusiastic and confident. It's important that your child is involved and can give you feedback. A negative attitude may be another sign that you need to wait a little longer.
  2. Prepare his new bed: make the new bed comfortable and familiar for your child. You can let him choose his own sheets or comforters to make it more inviting. Take one of his favorite stuffed animals and bring it to bed to make him feel more comfortable and secure.
  3. Nap in the "big bed": you can start by putting him to bed at naptime, so the change isn't too abrupt.
  4. establish a routine: Maintain a consistent bedtime routine to help your child feel safe and comfortable in his new bed.
  5. Be patient: It's normal for your child to feel uncertain or anxious during the first few days in his new bed. Be patient and give him the support he needs to adapt to the change.
  6. Make sure thatthe transition from bed to crib doesn't coincide with another big change: if there's a change of house, back-to-school or the arrival of a sibling, avoid this happening at the same time so as not to destabilize all his routines, generate more anxiety or arouse feelings of jealousy.

In short, there's no precise age at which you should move your child from the crib to the big bed, but it's important to be alert to the signs that he's ready for this change. With patience, love and good preparation, this transition can be a positive experience for the whole family.

From cot to cot that grows with your child

As you can see, many factors influence this important change. It's not an exact science. In the meantime, you can move forward in the search for the best bed for your child. The sooner you start gathering information and comparing options, the easier it will be to choose.

Our Turia 70x140 cm evolving bed is an excellent choice to accompany your little ones' growth. At first, it can be used as a bed with bars for safety, and later, the bars can be gradually removed, allowing the child to adapt to the change step by step.

In addition to its versatility, the Turia bed features timeless Scandinavian styling and is made from high-quality, eco-friendly materials such as "eco-generation" MDF and PEFC-certified wood, making it safe for babies and the environment.

To ensure safe sleep during this transitional period, a crib rail can be a great help. Easy to install and requiring no screws, it offers extra protection against potential falls during the first days or weeks in the new bed.

While it's always worth seeking expert advice, in the end, your common sense and parenting instincts will be your best guides through this exciting time. And remember, if you need inspiration or help, we're here to accompany you on this journey of growth and discovery with your children.