
    Everyone dreams ofimproving their baby’s sleep, and for good reason: if baby sleeps well, his parents sleep well! Unfortunately, not all parents start with the same advantages because some babies sleep better than others, there are little sleepers and big sleepers...

    But even if you have a short sleeper you can try to put all the assets on your side to improve his sleep.

    First of all, it is important that baby has his own room or, if this is not possible, his own space in the parents’ room, separated as far as possible.

    The Baby’s room should be a pleasant place, decorated with soft colours such as green or blue which are soothing colours, beware of bright colours such as red or orange which can upset children!

    The temperature of the room should not exceed 20°, in summer do not hesitate to close the shutters during the day to prevent the heat from entering. Also remember to air the room daily, in the morning and in the evening, to take advantage of the coolness.

    Choose a comfortable baby mattress, neither too hard nor too soft, prefer natural materials to limit the risk of allergies and check that the mattress has not received any chemical treatment. You should know that certain natural materials such as Organic Cotton or Tencel Lyocell naturally repel dust mites and certain bacteria.

    For baby to be comfortable and sleep safely in his bed, lay him on his back and in a sleeping bag, so he will be free to move and will not be able to uncover himself. The duvet should only be used from the age of 18 months.

    Don’t think that depriving baby of a nap will make him sleep better at night, it doesn’t work! On the contrary, a child who has not had a nap will be too tired and too irritated in the evening and will have difficulty finding sleep. On the other hand, naps that are too long should be avoided...

    During the day, don’t hesitate to expose your baby to daylight, to noise (moderate of course...), in short to family life! Go outside and take walks, the fresh air will help him sleep.

    In the evening, make sure you create a calm and quiet environment to help your child fall asleep. It is not necessary to leave the light on because newborns are not afraid of the dark and light can make it difficult for them to fall asleep.

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