
    From birth, we often hesitate to put baby in a crib, he is so small that he seems lost in this "big space". It must be said that he was used to being well protected in the very small space that was his mother's womb!

    The cradle, a little cocoon to offer baby a peaceful sleep

    The ideal solution to prevent baby from feeling too lost in his bed and to give him the reassuring feeling he had when he was in his mother's womb, is to make him sleep in a cradle during the first 6 months. In this small space he will feel more secure, better protected. You can place the cradle in his room or in yours if you want to have baby close to you to breastfeed him. Choose a special crib mattress with dimensions adapted to the bed.

    If you wish to make baby sleep directly in his own room as soon as he is born and you don't have a cradle, you can make him sleep in a wicker bassinet placed inside the cot, this will make the space smaller and reassure baby.

    Baby grows, he changes bed!

    Baby grows quickly and you will notice that from 6 months, baby will no longer be at his ease, that he will not be able to stretch without touching the walls, it will then be time to move him to a cot.
    But be careful, if you decide to take the opportunity to put the new bed in a new room... This is not the right time! One change at a time is better.
    If baby was sleeping in the parents' room, the best thing is to put the crib in his new room so that he can get used to his new environment, then a few weeks later, change to a bigger bed.

    In any case, the change of bed will be much easier if the child has a doudou, the "magic" object that helps him adapt to all the changes. Also try to keep the same bed linen and sleeping bag so that the change is less brutal.

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