
    In recent years, a practice that is already well known in other countries has appeared in France: to make the baby sleep in his bed, in order to be closer to him and to be able to respond immediately to his needs when he is hungry or when he cries. For this, two solutions are available to parents: to make baby sleep directly in their bed or to make him sleep in a cododo cradle. Be careful, making your baby sleep in his own bed can be dangerous for the child (risk of falling and suffocation). One of the major disadvantages of co-sleeping is the increased risk of cot death which, according to a British study, is multiplied by 5 when the newborn baby shares the parents’ bed!

    So opt for a co-sleeping cradle, a specific cradle that is fixed to the side of the parental bed, and which allows you to have your baby close to you but safe in his own bed. Choose a mattress adapted to the cradle so that there is no space between the bed and the mattress. Thanks to this system, baby won’t fall out of bed or get stuck under your duvet!

    Whichever bed you choose, opt for Oekotex-certified Organic Cotton bed linen to protect baby from treatments that are harmful to his health. With a natural mattress and bed linen free of chemical treatments, you can guarantee your child a healthier sleep.

    If you opt for co-sleeping, you will have to introduce the same rules in your bedroom as in a baby’s room, i.e:

    A temperature around 18° C

    A regularly ventilated room

    No pets in the room

    No television

    Co-sleeping has certain advantages during baby’s first weeks:

    The proximity of the parents allows to reassure baby, but also the anxious parents...

    Breastfeeding becomes easier

    According to some studies this practice would improve the quality of sleep

    But also some disadvantages :

    When one of you is sick, you have to isolate baby

    The lack of intimacy of the couple...

    In any case, co-sleeping should not be prolonged beyond 3 or 4 months, the age when the child sleeps through the night (in general!), and when he can sleep in his own room. It is preferable to get baby used to his room before the age of 8 months, because at this age all changes of habits are much more difficult...

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