
    Children don’t know the difference between day and night

    Not true! It is important to teach your child to distinguish between day and night. In order for the sleep patterns to become established, have your child sleep during the day without closing the shutters completely, so as to let a trickle of light through. On the other hand, have him sleep in the dark at night.

    Spending time with my child improves the quality of his sleep

    It’s true! It seems that sleep disorders are more common in children whose parents are not available in the evening... Spending time with your child before bedtime makes it easier for them to fall asleep.

    Taking a walk in the fresh air during the day helps children sleep

    True! Exposing a baby to daylight helps to set the day/night rhythm. Furthermore, walks, even in a stroller, stimulate children and therefore tire them out.

    All babies need to sleep a lot

    Not true! Each child has different sleep needs, and it is important to know how to identify and respect them.

    Our modern lifestyle influences children’s sleep

    True! Multiple activities, family difficulties, parents stressed by work, but also new technologies negatively influence the quality of sleep of toddlers.

    To try to improve your child’s sleep, try adopting good habits:

    - Talk to him at the end of the day, put him to bed at a regular time, forget about games that are too exciting at night.

    - Establish a bedtime ritual: the toilet, a story, a cuddle, a kiss, his cuddly toy and respect this order every night to reassure the child.

    - In the morning, try to wake him up quietly, without stress, even if the whole family has to get up 10 minutes earlier, it’s worth it!

    The quality of the mattress plays a role in sleep

    True! A baby who sweats while sleeping wakes up several times a night (just like his parents!). For a soothing sleep without excessive sweating, opt for ababy mattressmade from natural materials that ensure better air circulation between the fibres and an Organic Cotton sleeping bag.

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