
    Have you noticed that there are places where you feel good, relaxed, relaxed and sleeping well, and other places, on the contrary, where you feel stressed, oppressed and can’t get to sleep, perhaps it’s a problem of energy circulation as Feng Shui specialists think, this Chinese technique that consists of harmonizing the space inside your home to improve the circulation of vital energy and therefore your well-being:

    The baby room must be of medium size, in a large baby room it will feel lost and may experience fear, but in a room that is too small it may feel "locked up".

    Delimit the spaces, separating the play space from the sleeping space, then when the child grows up, create a well separated work space.

    The placement of the crib: to determine the position of the crib the calculation is a little complicated, it depends on the child’s date of birth, different calculation if it is a girl or a boy... There are 8 directions, 4 good and 4 bad to know them on a specialized Feng Shui site. most of the time the crib must be positioned so that baby sees who enters his room, do not place the crib behind the door. also avoid placing it in the middle of the room because being supported along

    For the choice of furniture and bed linen, prefer natural materials, furniture made of wood, wicker, and bed linen made of cotton or Tencel.

    When it comes to colours, opt for soothing colours such as green, beige or blue because bright colours tend to irritate children, so forget about red or orange walls: brightness should be sufficient but not aggressive, a well-lit room brings joy of life but be careful not to choose direct lights that are too bright for the eyes.

    Install storage furniture so that everything can be stored in its place, even if in a child’s room it is normal for there to be a little mess, you have to store as much as possible because the bazaar is draining our energy!

    As for decoration, it is not advisable to display images depicting aggressive fights or mangas, prefer the chubby little guys such as Winnie the Pooh, Baloo from the Jungle Book who breathe joie de vivre and happiness.

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