Review for "Aloe R cradle mattress"
Great mattresses made to measure!
It's all in the title! it's a great custom mattress with top finishes and a very soft zip cover very practical to machine, I had a hard time finding a mattress with the special dimensions of my little cradle and this custom mattress was my solution. a justified price and not so expensive with a delivery even a little early. only small flat I wanted a width of 29cm but they only make the custom from 30cm but the mattress is still suitable.
Incredible quality
Le sommeil au naturel belle éthique
J'aime cette marque qui propose des produits d' extrême qualité, écologiques.
C est mon 3ème achat en la matière : un pour la poussette, un 2ème, cocolatex, nomade mais qui propose un couchage équivalent à un vrai lit en terme de confort et le 3ème en aloe pour un couffin.
Très bien, parfait et rapide